Educator Well-Being.

When teachers are ready to teach, students are ready to learn. Everyone benefits.

Our Educator Well-Being Learning Series equips educators with effective strategies for self-regulation, alleviating anxiety and stress, enhancing physical and emotional wellness, and cultivating healthy relationships.


Educator impact.


Educators will acquire lifelong skills that will benefit them both inside the classroom and in life.


We strive to create a community of educators who support students. When education reaches beyond the classroom and extends to students’ homes and communities, they can truly thrive.


Educators will learn to apply their learning in their own lives and role model this embodiment for their students.

Whole child centered.

We aim to enhance educator well-being and cultivate teaching readiness for all individuals involved in education.  Students thrive when education extends beyond the classroom, including support systems, extracurricular activities, home environments and communities.









Live and Asynchronous Learning

Breathwork for Educators

Decrease anxiety and stress through controlled breathing practices.

Mindful Breathing
Breathwork for Self-Regulation
Breathwork for the Classroom

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Mindfulness & Meditation for Educators

Helping educators support their well-being and teaching readiness.

Mindfulness Defined
Mindfulness for Self-Regulation
Mindfulness for the Classroom
Meditation Defined
Meditation for Self-Regulation
Meditation for the Classroom

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Brain Science, Self-Regulation and You

The power to change your brain and self-regulate.

Brain Anatomy
Brain Function
Mindfulness & the Brain
Brain Training
Movement for Self-Regulation

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Mindful Movement for Educators

Movement practices that promote self-care throughout the five parts of your day.


“WOW! your work is very teacher friendly, useable, inspired, full of quality ideas, thoughtful activities, meaningful and accessible curriculum - THANK YOU so much!"

Marilyn Tsolomitis, M.Ed.
Mathematics and Yoga Teacher

"Conscious Classroom has created a curriculum that has been a wonderful addition to the Yoga & Mindfulness course I teach for high school students. The topics covered have been great to discuss with students and be able to connect to real life examples so students can see the importance of Social and Emotional Learning. I think now more than ever young people need knowledge in how to process emotions and figure out how to manage stress and this course does just that."

Tori Bates
Health & PE Educator

“The student's sense of purpose resulting from the Conscious Classroom™ curriculum will be reflected in both emotional and academic outcomes: overall grades, test scores, and performance will be enhanced, granting them a broader range of options both intellectually and emotionally in later life. Eager and enthusiastic to witness this work emerging for generations to come.”

Elena Brower
Bestselling author and podcast host of Practice You, Being You, and Art of Attention

“This program teaches the ability to use the body as an integrated resource for positive mental and physical health. I’m so excited to see this implemented in schools where we need it the most. Students will have a gift of health as they grow into the world of adults.”

Peggie Dickens MA LMHC