1: Breathwork – Sample

MODULE 1 Breathwork Mindful Breathing Breathing is involuntary. We don’t need to think about it, so most of the time we don’t. In yoga, when we use specific exercises to control breathing, it’s called breathwork. In Sanskrit, an ancient language of India, prana means...

10 Breathwork Exercises

MODULE 1: Breathwork 10 BREATHWORK EXERCISES When you’re feeling stressed, emotional, or confused, try a few of these breathing exercises. Take your time. There is no rush. You are learning to breathe in new and different ways. Play around with them and get...

7: Neurotransmitters

MODULE 7 Neurotransmitters Important Messengers As you are reading this, minding your own business, innumerable chemical reactions are occurring inside your brain. These reactions transport very important messages! The nerve cells inside your brain called neurons are...

12: Journal Prompts

MODULE 12 Journal Prompts Discover What Your True Self has to Say We hope you’ve explored the previous modules and are starting to gain a stronger understanding of yourself, your potential, and your own worth. You have so much to offer the world! Our desire is that...

11: Yoga Poses

MODULE 11 Yoga Poses Yoga is Experiential Learning: Especially the Poses You’re learning to manage your energy at the same time as learning to discipline your mind and body. You will experience some aspect of mindfulness every time you practice a pose (or asana). Even...